“Amorphophallus Konjac” the Konjac potato is a perennial plant, native to Asia and sometimes known as Konnyaku.
“Konjac” potatoes are cultivated for food in Japan and Korea, but wild forms grow naturally in many parts of China, Korea and Japan. Frequently growing wild at very high altitude, thus being very pure and polutant free.
The Japanese have been eating “Konjac” for over 1,500 years. It is a totally natural food source. 99% of “Konjac” is water and three percent is Glucomannan, or dietary fiber. It is also rich in minerals and very low in calories.
Here’s the list what’s in Konjac:
However, our sponges should never be put in the mouth! These are simply a few facts about the plant when used as a food, for those who are curious! Buf, for over a century, the Japanese have been using the “Konjac” vegetable as a beauty treatment for their delicate skin.
Review: Konjac Sponge in Bamboo Charcoal by: Vani Sagita
Yuhuuu.. Long time no do any review~
Melihat maraknya para beauty blogger ngerave dahsyat si sponge unyu ini, jadilah gue keikutan latah pengen nyoba. Langsung deh nyari yang paling cocok sama kulit gue dan yang ini kayanya (menurut pemahaman gua) yang paling cocok buat kulit berminyak ya yang ini..
Kalo menurut kata webnya siih:
100% Natural Sponge
100% Coloring & Addictive Free
100% Biodegradable
Naturally Sustainable
Eliminating Blackhead, Dirt, and Oil
Nah yang bikin gue tertarik karena dia bisa exfoliating sama ngilangin komedo, kotoran, dan minyak yang menjadi sumber masalah di muka gue.
Dari tekstur bisa diliat diatas dia kaya sponge pada umumnya, berlobang-lobang kecil. Bedanya kalo sponge lain waktu digosok ke muka akan terasa semacam tekstur kain yang empuk, tapi kalo sponge ini rasanya itu kaya ngegosokin jelly ke muka. Empuk gembos-gembos gitu. *apa coba bahasanya* Dan alusss, enak kalo dipake dimuka, kaya berasa lagi dipijit-pijit.. Kadang saking senengnya sampe kelamaan sendiri cuma buat gosokin muka sambil bengong tanpa tujuan.
Lucu banget! Pas dipegang ditangan dan buat gosok di mukanya juga. Bagian yang gendut bulat itu buat ngegosok rata bagian-bagian yang lebar kaya jidat, pipi, dagu, leher. Nah, yang bagian ujungnya itu enak buat gosok-gosok idung dan mata. Karena ini terasa lembut banget jadi gue suka juga untuk daerah mata.
Cara Pakai
Sebenernya terserah mau pake sponge ini gimana, tapi gue pernah coba sambil pake sabun cuci muka, agak kurang suka karena tekstur spongenya jadi kurang terasa gitu. Jadi gue pakenya tiap abis cuci muka pake sabun, baru deh abis itu pake sponge ini sendiri.
Untuk kehigienisan, disarankan untuk ngebersihin sponge ini dengan direndem di air terus di microwave selama 2 menit. Tapi belom pernah gue microwave-in tuh. Hahahaa.. :p
Setelah hampir sebulan pake, gue seneng banget sama benda unyu ini. Kulit muka gue di sekitar idung, dagu dan di antara alis situ rawan banget sama yang namanya komedo. Tiap hari ada aja kotoran yang nyangkut bikin kulit daerah situ jadi kasar. Si sponge ini jago bener ngangkat kotoran numpuk itu tiap hari, jadi kulit gue gak segampang dulu untuk komedoan. Kulit gue juga jadi alus. Laluuu, jerawat yang dateng tiap menjelang tamu bulanan itu juga berkurang. Tapii gatau efek ini, gatau emang lagi pas jerawatnya dikit. Hahaha.. :p
Overall, reccomended! *jempol 7* 😀
Original posting article, click here
Who doesn’t appreciate a beauty short cut? Long ago the morning routine became a disorganised blur, we loved those time-saving hair, skincare and make-up tricks designed to get you out the door faster, feeling reasonably pulled-together. Now we rely on them!
Sound familiar? If you’re looking for fast, effective ways to get glowing all seasons, look no further than (ahem) US! – ‘MY KONJAC SPONGE’
‘My Konjac Sponge’ products work together to offer a comprehensive approach to cleansing, exfoliating and treating complexion to help maintain soft & smooth results.
Make the sponge your part of your daily regime. Simply use the sponge morning and evening, just whenever you would wash or cleanse your face.
Trends may come and go, but one major thing is always going to be a lifestyle forever: My Konjac Sponge !!!
Sponge Lovers,We are having our 2nd event … So excited to share all the details with y’all 🙂
Day/Date: Sunday, June 25 – July 1
Time: 10 am – close
Place: Central Park Mall, 1st Floor
Podomoro City – JL. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 28
Jakarta 11470
Aren’t y’all excited ?? We have lots of surprises for ‘My Konjac Sponge’ Lovers. Stay tuned ….
The event itself will be consisted of Interactive Activity Areas, 30+ exhibitors & vendors showcasing products and services for kids of all ages, Talk shows and demos for moms, dads and kids
at the stage area, and many more, which you may only see it there.
Come and have fun with us y’all XOXO
We live in a fast-food, fast-track, fast-paced world that refuses to slow down. And when your hurried “get it now” lifestyle, designed to eliminate the wait.
Here’s a situation we all are facing … You forgot to check your Facebook reminders or just completely blanked on picking up a gift for your friend’s birthday party … That’s tonight!! We’ve all been there. Being caught unprepared without a fallback gift can leave you feeling flustered. To avoid said situations, we suggest stocking up on some quality ‘My Konjac Sponge’ Sponges. By having them all, you will always be prepared for eleventh hour “I need a gift!” moments.
The way we see it—a luxurious konjac sponge is great gift. It’s the type of thing most people don’t splurge on for themselves, but love to have in their homes.
For those of you that prefer to be over-prepared, try pre-wrapping the konjac sponges before stowing them away for later last-minute use. Label each konjac sponge with a lovely note. Definitely a win-win situation