“Akhirnya @MyKonjac sampe!! Thank you .. :D” – Grace Shalmont (@grace_shalmont)
Whoopie! Another product by My Konjac Sponge is here! I’ve reviewed the one for sensitive skin: HERE, and the one for your beloved babies and kids: HERE. Now it is men time to have their skin cleanse with this super cute sponge. Well, actually it can be used by women too. The one who need special care involving acne and oil.
This is the product, a sponge shaped like water drop. A black water drop. But the texture and the feeling is almost the same with the 2 sponges I’ve tried, but slightly “tougher” in term of density and ingredients.
Here’s some details from MyKonjacSponge.com:
The Bamboo Charcoal contains activated carbon and various minerals that enhance absorptive ability, perfect for removing excess oil.
Here comes the review, I ask my husband to do the review. Thanks, dear!
This is him, showing angry face for hating the oils and germs at his skin. Acne become a constant visitor that probably many of use can related to. Products after products doesn’t seems to work and seems fed up with all the trial and error, but at the same time looking for something natural and from mother earth. This might be your answer,
The natural konjac sponge gently clean the skin without aggravating the inflammation and angry skin thanks to the acne. Now the sponge need no help cleaning the skin, you can use your fave facial foam or just let the sponge do their job alone. It’s not an instant reaction eliminating all the acne on your face, but the fresh, soft, calm feeling is instantly.
Original posting article, click here
Jakarta, 16 June 2012
We just cannot believe all the responses and comments we have received regarding our fabulous sponge ‘My Konjac Sponge’ Bamboo Charcoal. Massive positive responses and comments. It is just unbelievable. We do believe in our products, and so blessed that all buyers feel the same.
Here’s short information about ‘My Konjac Sponge’ Bamboo Charcoal:
It is designed especially for someone who have issues with oily skin that is prone to spots, blackheads and breakouts? Are you tired of looking like a walking puddle of oil even shortly after wash?
“My Konjac Sponge” Bamboo Charcoal has the perfect solution for those issues. Enriched by charcoal extracted from the best bamboos in Korea, this sponge is also effective for cleansing and eliminating blackheads around the T-area (so called Trouble Area). This sponge is perfect for those who are active and spend good amount of time outside having to deal with dusts and dirts that could clog your pores if not cleansed properly.
My Konjac Sponge is an advocate of going-green movement. Not only that our sponge are naturally sustainable, but they are also 100% biodegradable. Indulge your skin with the goodness of nature.
Thank you so much for believing in ‘My Konjac Sponge’
My Konjac Sponge
Hi there. First review from me is : taraaaaa~ Konjac sponge. What is Konjac??
Ini keterangan dari webnya :
“Amorphophallus Konjac” the Konjac potato is a perennial plant, native to Asia and sometimes known as Konnyaku. “Konjac” potatoes are cultivated for food in Japan and Korea, but wild forms grow naturally in many parts of China, Korea and Japan. Frequently growing wild at very high altitude, thus being very pure and polutant free.
The Japanese have been eating “Konjac” for over 1,500 years. It is a totally natural food source. 99% of “Konjac” is water and three percent is Glucomannan, or dietary fiber. It is also rich in minerals and very low in calories. However, our sponges should never be put in the mouth! These are simply a few facts about the plant when used as a food, for those who are curious! Buf, for over a century, the Japanese have been using the “Konjac” vegetable as a beauty treatment for their delicate skin.
Aku pesan 2 macam, ini dia gambarnya :
Segera setelah si sponge unyu ini datang (nunggunya agak lama karena nunggu hari sabtu-minggu dulu, padahal keburu ngidam. LOL), aku foto2 paketnya (foto atas) dan buka water drop bamboo charcoal-ku <yang hitam>. Waktu pertama megang, uwaaahhh kenyal banget. Berasa pingin gigitin deh *wink*. Setelah dikeluarin dari kemasannya, sponge sebesar genggaman tangan ini kusiram air, ditekan-tekan pake 2 telapak tangan, daaaannnnnnn *drum roll* digosokin deh di wajah. Ah… berasa di surga kenyal. /(>__<)\ Setelah digosok-gosok dengan gerakan melingkar di wajah, mukaku berasa bersih dan segar. Nda bikin iritasi SAMA SEKALI loh.Lalala~ Kulit kamu sensitip? no problemo! =) Bahkan konjac sponge ini bisa juga dipakein buat adek bayi. Bayangin gimana lembutnya di kulit kamu! Haha….
Setiap habis pake, gantungin nih sponge di tempat yang berventilasi (menghindari tumbuhnya jamur). Kalo waktu mau pake lagi spongenya terasa kering? It’s okay! Tinggal rendam sebentar di air sampai bentuknya kembali seperti semula (mengembang dan empuk) lalu pakai deh. =) Konjac sponge bisa dipakai dengan atau tanpa facial foam loh. Hehehe…. Aku sendiri kadang pakai dan kadang tidak pakai. Tergantung kondisi deh. Perawatannya juga amat sangat mudah. =) cukup di masukin di mangkok kaca atau wadah apapun yang available di microwave dan berisi air, lalu panaskan di microwave for 1-1,5 minutes =) Yang paling penting dari perawatan sponge yang bisa tahan 6 bulan ini, jangan diperas (dipelintir) yaaa… Bisa kacau nanti model spongenya (pecah2 nda keruan).
Setelah pake konjac sebulanan, kulit berasa bersiihhhh tanpa berasa kering =p Yay for kojac sponge! Nda nyangka juga ini sponge beneran bantu kontrol minyak di kulit kombiku ini. Terutama t-zone area. (>___<)/ Yang nda aku suka? Belum mudah ndapetinnya ='( tapi tenang ajaaa… Bisa pesan online kok =)
Mau lihat varian produk lain, info produk dan pesen? Klik aja ke My Konjac Sponge. Atau bisa juga lewat twitter dan facebook mereka ya =p Fast and good response from them =)
Sukses buat Konjac Sponge *bighug*
Original posting article, click here