Posted by Testimonial
This actually helps calm the oil on my skin and I don’t even have to use a harsh alcohol-based astringent. I feel like it keeps the oil off my skin after I use it
— Jennifer -
These sponges exfoliate my skin PERFECTLY. Not too hard and not too soft. I think these are way better than muslin cloths, drugstore facial exfoliating pads and even rotating skin brushes!
— Jen Mathews ( -
Awesome product!! Been using it for a week, improve my oily skin and the soft texture works for my baby too
— Jessica Ong -
i can feel this sponge really soft and i love how the unique texture of this product touch my skin.
— Margy -
I basically love the products because: the products is fun to look at (funny looking hahahah), feel good when I use it during the shower (I get addicted to it), and I feel cleaner (instead of using my own hand and soap). PLus it’s a good tiems to be given to other people as small gifts
— Kwik Wan Tien -
love the product. My skin gets so smooth after the first use….. keep up the good work
— Merry Susanti -
I love it and would recommend it for anyone who wants to have a clean face and body. With everyday usage and great results, I’d say it’s very worth the price.
— Yuri -
Thank you for creating the best cleansing sponge in the world!! I really love my konjac sponge
— Malvin Kiswoyo -
Just got my sponge today..I got the charcoal one..its kinda unique..feels like marshmallow with pores..I like the way my skin feels afterwards, smooth, n my one face cream absorbs better with it too..can’t wait to try all the variants \(>o<)/ thanks konjac sponge
— Novita Hwang -
I use a sponge for 3 times today, my pimples become dry and it improve my skin texture!! amazing!
— Cominica Leni Diana -
I’m enjoying my face washing session even more~ ^_^
— Stephanie Nangoi -
Awesome product and unik actually, waktu aku ngremes sponge sich sama pake sabun bisa nghasilkan busa buanyak bannget….. excellent product my sis….. keep it up….. gue dukung elo my sis…..
— Erlangga Wibowo -
Awesome product!!! I’ve only used it a couple days and my skin is a lot better! =)
— Florence Kurniawan -
Awesome product!!
— Sylvia Leonardi -
Thank you for your wonderful products!
— Joel Setyo -
Bought My Konjac Sponge product for my wife and she is loving it! Thank you so much!
— Joshua Artono